To receive a free estimate for the translation of your document, contact us at 404-875-1211 or send a description of your translation needs to [email protected].
When you call 404-875-1211 or email [email protected] we will begin helping you define the best way to get your document translation project done on time and on budget. Project quotes for translation services are always free.
Alliance Française Atlanta has a lending library of printed books and DVD’s of hard-to-find French-language films.
Gain access to your favorite magazines the same day they hit news stands! Culturethèque is an online library that includes concerts and shows, listen to lectures, e-books, comics, children’s literature and more. Read real French content available only through the Alliance Française with 24/7 access from your personal computer, tablet. Culturethèque provides access to over 400 magazines, 1,000 books, 200 comics, 300 videos, 370 learning programs.
If you would like to continue to have access after the 30-day free trial is up, you must first:
1. Be an Alliance Française member.
2. Follow the instructions emailed to you at the end of your 30-day free trial regarding confirmation of your status as a member of the Alliance Française Atlanta.
Coming Soon.
Please send correspondence to:
233 Peachtree St NE, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30303
Telephone: 404-875-1211
Open for in-person classes and by appointment.
9420 Willeo Road, Suite 201 Roswell, GA 30075
Telephone: 404-875-1211