Latest Past Events

Clyde Chabot: CHICAGO-reconstitution (in French)

Math Science Building N306 400 Dowman Dr, Atlanta

Saturday, March 19, at 7pm : CHICAGO-reconstitution (in french) - Math Science Building N306 CHICAGO-reconstitution is the story by Clyde Chabot of the premature birth of her daughter, in the United States in 2002. The medical world, the worries, the joys and the potentials associated with the birth of this fragile being suddenly arise in […]

Clyde Chabot: A Soldier’s Daughter

White Hall 208 301 Dowman Dr, Atlanta

Friday, March 18, at 8pm : A Soldier’s Daughter - White Hall 208 « My father is military, a low ranking soldier. Here I am humorously questioning how this may have affected my personality. The text searches more widely the world of the army, apparently so far from the theatre, its social, familiar and intimate […]