Our Blog


We are excited to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Franco-German partnership. Join Alliance Française and Goethe Zentrum Atlanta for Franco-German Voices, a concert in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary

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Alliance Française Atlanta Teams up with Bien-Dire Magazine

Alliance Française Atlanta is excited to announce a collaborative partnership with the French language-learning magazine Bien-Dire that will help Alliance Francaise teachers enrich their teaching and class offerings using Bien-Dire’s interactive, up-to-date content. Bien-Dire and Alliance Francaise will also collaborate the development of the French-language version of the Alliance Francaise Atlanta Blog. AFATL students enrolling in Winter Classes will receive the benefit of a 70% discount for a specially-prepared Alliance Francaise Atlanta Bien-Dire subscription package to include paper and digital subscriptions, downloadable audio recordings and interactive exercises. 

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